Auras: Ten Easy Ways to See and Read Auras Contributor(s): Reder, Estelle (Author)


ISBN: 1686635907    EAN: 9781686635908
Binding: Paperback
Pub Date: August 15, 2019
SKU: 9781686635908 Category:


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Learn to See Auras. Learn to Read Auras. Meditation on Auras. How to Strengthen Your Aura. How to Clear Auras. How to Protect Your Aura. Easy Ways to See Auras. Easy Ways to Read Auras. Contrary to popular belief, one does not have to be born with the talent to be able to see auras. The techniques to learn how to see auras are easy to learn. You can learn how to read auras well enough to understand what they mean. This book shows you how to see and read auras – step by step. It’s very easy and fun, too. You can impress your friends when you can see their auras and tell them the meaning of the colors that you see around them. What is the aura? The aura is the physical manifestation of the electric field surrounding all matter – be it person, animal, plant or object. For example, when we see pictures of Jesus Christ, we often see a light around him. This is the aura. It’s easy to start seeing auras. You can practice on all things – as simple an object as a rock. Or you can start by placing your whole hand on a white paper. Relax your eyes. Don’t stare at your hand – rather, look at the areas around the fingertips and fingers. It is best to do this in soft lighting; a lamp works great. After a while, if you are relaxed enough, you will begin to see a soft haze around your hand. If you look at it long enough, you will start to see colors. Beginners can usually make out only one color, but as you get better, you will be able to see more at one time. Another exciting way to see your aura is mirror watching. This is a great technique to practice reading your own aura. This book gives you the steps to follow to be able to do this. This book is easy to use, and easy to understand. It makes a great reference tool as well. The white inner-auras always the first thing you should see when you begin reading auras. As you progress and develop your skill, it will become easier for you to see the other layers. You will be able to distinguish the different colors on different parts of the body. Finally, you will be able to interpret the meaning of the various colors, as to your health. You will learn how to clear negativity from the aura, protect your aura from negative people, and how to revitalize and strengthen your aura. You will also learn a meditation for your aura, based on the OM – which is the most powerful mantra of all. OM is the Sanskrit word for the spark of life itself, that part of the divine imprisoned within our physical life. This mantra acts as a protective force within the aura. It strengthens all energy reserves and helps to keep you from being drained or being taken advantage of. This book also shows you how to measure your aura, using dowsing methods. It gives you a step-by-step approach to making your own dowsing tool, and how to measure your own and your friends’ auras. This is a great fun thing to do at a party to amaze your friends, while making them aware of how far their auras extend, and how to protect the aura from being drained by others. See auras around trees and plants. Look at the top of a tree with the sky as a background. You should look a little past the tips of the limbs or leaves of the tree/plant. Let your eyes go a little out of focus and just relax while doing this. You will see a cloud (almost glowing) like image that moves in and out from the tree/plant. This skill is easy to learn, and will provide years of fun and enlightenment about the aura and the other unseen energies that surround us on this planet. One of the most common color you will see is Red. Red is the color of strength, strong passion and will. Dark red may symbolize one who has a quick temper, is nervous or impulsive – someone with a pre-disposition to high-blood pressure. Knowing this will help you by showing you alternatives. Great little book. Easy read.


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