Biographical Note: Dr. Shahriar Mostafa completed his medical education in 2009. He completed his Master’s degree in Public Health in 2013. He has been working in a Medical College Hospital for last 7 years. He wants to write simple and small patient education books to reach a larger audience. Publisher Marketing:
You search the Internet for answers and find a million pages. In this sea of information, what you really need is hard to find. You ask your healthcare professional but are not satisfied with the answers. You are confused, anxious and angry.But you don’t have to be confused or scared. You are not alone. Type 1 diabetes is a common disease. It affects around 350 million people worldwide. They have successfully managed their diabetes. Managing diabetes is easy if you have the right information. Blood sugar is easy to control if you know the guidelines. Life with diabetes is different, but diabetes does not stop you from enjoying everything life has to offer.
Diabetes is like a shadow of you or your child. Like a shadow, it will always be with you. Like a shadow you will forget that it is even there If you control it, . And in the not too distant future, you or your child will be cured of type 1 diabetes. |
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