160 Characters or Less: How to Increase Customer Loyalty, Drive Sales and WIN with Text Message Marketing Wheeler, Judd (Author)


ISBN: 1502853795    EAN: 9781502853790
Binding: Paperback
Copyright Date: 2014
Pub Date: October 20, 2014
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SKU: 9781502853790 Category:


Biographical Note:
Judd Wheeler has been a leading pioneer in digital marketing for more than two decades. Wheeler is Chief Strategist for SurgeLeaf Mobile and editor and writer for TheMobilists.com. He has an in-depth understanding of emerging technologies necessary to optimize communication, analyze technology life-cycles, develop leading edge apps and implement strategic marketing initiatives. He has speaks internationally from topics ranging from mobile marketing to mobile commerce to mobile engagement and the future of mobile. He has produced mobile conferences and works with multiple think tanks to improve and evangelize mobile projects.

Publisher Marketing:
What can you do with 160 characters? Plenty… -Build loyalty -Increase revenue -Hold contests -Communicate 1-on-1 with customers -Send reminders -Get alerted when your cow Bessie is pregnant -Tell someone you love them Text message marketing is part of the exploding marketing channel otherwise known as mobile marketing. With over 100% penetration of mobile phones in the United States (around 80% of them text message subscribers) and over 60% of them with smartphones, mobile initiatives are key to the future of business. The personal level of access to your customers and employees via mobile trumps all other forms of marketing, including social media. How can you reach your customers in and around your location? How can you reach your customers, even in the bathroom? 75 percent of Americans bring their phones to the bathroom. This book helps you make the decisions on how to get started using text message marketing for your business, how to get the most out of your campaign, SMS best practices, how to use metrics to improve your campaign and what the numbers mean to you. The book dives into the guidelines and legal ramifications and provides useful examples of companies using SMS to increase profit. Included in this book: – Personal engagement – Lexicon – Choosing a keyword – How to get customers to sign up – How to keep your subscribers – Best practices – Guidelines and regulations – Tracking your campaign – ROI – Significance of the unsubscribe – Examples of successful SMS campaigns – Failures – Next-gen messaging apps


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