Avadhuta Gita Rahasya Kunjika: Pratham Khand: Pranchin Kriya Yog Tantrik Granth Hiranyagarbha, Bhagwan Maharishi (Author) , Mahasaya, Lahiri (Author) , Kumar, Chandra Shekhar (Author)


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SKU: 9781985028128 Category:


ISBN: 1985028123    EAN: 9781985028128
Binding: Paperback
Language(s): Hindi
Pub Date: February 07, 2018

Biographical Note:
Chandra Shekhar Kumar is a direct disciple of Lord Maharishi Hiranyagarbha. He is the CEO and Co-Founder of Ancient Kriya Yoga Mission. He is the CTO and Co-Founder of Ancient Science Publishers. He holds a degree of Integrated M.Sc.(5 yrs) in Physics from IIT Kanpur.

Lahiri Mahasaya is a direct disciple of Mahavatar Babaji who is a direct disciple of Lord Maharishi Hiranyagarbha.

Publisher Marketing:
Ancient Kriya Yoga Tantic Scripture: Avadhuta Gita Rahasya Kunjika: Volume 1: as seen by The Divine Third Eye.

A profound sage and householder mystic of Ancient Kriya Yoga Mission(A Divine Enterprise Empowered by The Third Eye)(A Monastery of Realized Sages) has regained the inner meanings of the sacred `Avadhuta Gita Rahasya Kunjika’ with his intense devotion to Yoga and arduous practice of esoteric Pranayama (The Art and Science of Breathing).This book is an outcome of inner revelations of mystical meanings and paranormal experiences cum perceptions of first and second chapters of `Avadhuta Gita’. Penning down itself was full of eternal vibrations which resembled as if being dictated by a Siddha. This journey was full of inexplicable ecstasy and joy, laced with complete surrendering to witnessing the paranormal splendor of Avadhuta Gita Rahasya Kunjika. It depicts transcendental qualities and attributes of this state in its totality.This body is just an instrument of meditation and the individual is nothing, the individual have nothing.A Sadhak passes through infinite number of states during his Sadhana. Period of stay in any state varies depending on the peculiarities of that state as well the predicament of the Sadhak. Sadhak realizes, when time is ripe for him, that the particular Shabda is eternal, ever present, everywhere, perceptible to one only when one is ready during his course of Sadhana, including listening to these being chanted/sung by Siddhas, all the time, beyond the time.This book is dedicated to all Sadhakas.


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