Durga Mantra Magick: Harnessing The Power of the Divine Protectress (Mantra Magick #12) Contributor(s): Kadmon, Baal (Author)


ISBN: 197599163X    EAN: 9781975991630
Binding: Paperback
Pub Date: August 31, 2017
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Durga is a very special goddess. When I first encountered her, I was a little hesitant, but I knew deep down I needed to work with her. From 2014-2015, she has guided me. Ever so often, I am guided to work with one specific deity for a prolong period of time. It was Durga’s turn then. She is by far one of the most beloved of the Hindu Goddess. She is fiercely loyal and will pull out all the stops when she is protecting her own. She is, in many ways, a gentler version of Kali, but not quite as gentle as Parvati or Lakshmi. Durga’s name means “Impassable and invincible”. The name is derived from the Sanskrit word for fortress, Durg. She has several forms. In this book, we will deal with her nine forms, also known as Navadurga or literally ‘Nine Forms of Goddess Durga” Each one has a purpose and we will perform nine rituals, one for each form. Her essence is very much immanent in the world. She has a transcendent and limitless quality, yet she is very present and accessible. Although “milder” than Kali, Durga will still challenge you in ways that are just right for you to get the lesson and learn. When I worked with her, there were time when I was stubborn, she was able to push me to get me back on track. Seldom will she push you too hard, but it can be uncomfortable. Kali on the other hand will shove you right into the fire. Her mantras are often recited when people need protection and security. In this book we will tap into her nine names for the following purposes: Durga Form 1 – In this form, she is associated with the Root Chakra and therefore, we will use her to attain more grounding in this world. This will impact you finances and other related issue. Durga Form 2 – In this form, we will use her to attain occult and spiritual knowledge. Durga form 3 – Devi Chandraghanta – In this form, we will call upon her for protection. Durga form 4 – In this form we will call upon her to bestow upon us supernatural and occult powers. Durga Form 5 – In this form, we will use her to conquer our enemies. Durga Form 6 – In this form, we will use her to get rid of negative spiritual entities that may be haunting you. Durga Form 7 – This is similar to Katyayani, but much more fierce in her energy. We will use her to eradicate demonic energies in your abode. Durga Form 8 – We will use her to attain good health and renewed vigor. You can also use her for love as well. The ritual for her can be used for either of those. I will get into that when we discuss her more in-depth. Durga Form 9 – We will use her to enhance our magickal practice, no matter what tradition. Reciting her mantra in this form, is of immense value to your entire magickal practice. Each of these rituals will have special mantras associated with them. I will transliterate them as we go. We have a lot to cover, now let us proceed.


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