Heal Your Body, Cure Your Mind: Leaky Gut, Adrenal Fatigue, Liver Detox, Mental Health, Anxiety, Depression, Disease & Trauma. Mindfulness, Holistic T (Gut Health, Liver Detox, Mental Health, Trauma & Adrenal Fatigue #1) Contributor(s): Aggarwal Nd, Ameet (Author)


ISBN: 1537231340    EAN: 9781537231341
Binding: Paperback
Pub Date: June 18, 2017
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SKU: 9781537231341 Category:


Biographical Note:
Dr. Ameet Aggarwal ND is a naturopathic doctor, homeopath and psychotherapist (gestalt, EMDR & family constellations) with over 12 years experience teaching around the world and treating chronic health conditions, including mental health.

Born in Kenya, he lives in a little town called Nanyuki, and helps people worldwide using skype online sessions (health.drameet.com).His quick recovery from trauma, anxiety and depression using holistic medicine and psychotherapy led him to teach students and doctors around the world how to treat the root cause of mental health issues. His coaching sessions are said to be some of the most profound sessions one can have.His book is considered as one of the most comprehensive approaches to treat anxiety, stress and depression and his 5 Steps to Amazing Health Online Program (health.drameet.com) has been approved by some licensing associations as a professional development course for naturopathic doctors, nutritionist and dietitians.His love for improving health led him to start The Foundation for Integrated Medicine in Africa (www.fimafrica.org) – a charity bringing holistic therapies to poor communities living in Kenya (www.fimafrica.org). Please support him by getting his online course or this book. Thank you.

Publisher Marketing:

Voted as one of the Top 43 holistic health naturopathic doctors worldwide5-times bestselling author and psychotherapist Dr. Ameet helps you improve gut health, mental health, liver health, liver detox, adrenal fatigue, depression, anxiety, skin, hormones, inflammation, chronic health and sexual issues using holistic medicine, supplements, nutrition, healthy foods, natural remedies, holistic health & trauma healing.

Your gut, liver, adrenal glands and mental health are your core pillars of holistic health. Reading this holistic medicine and mental health book will quickly improve your gut health, liver health, hormone balance, weight gain, skin issues, trauma and mental health by helping you treat the root causes of dis-eases in your mind and body, which are:

  • Leaky gut health, Inflammation & Liver Health
  • Adrenal Fatigue, Thyroid & hormonal imbalance
  • Mental Health Trauma, Negative Beliefs & Family Trauma

This holistic medicine book covers the top herbs, homeopathic remedies, foods, acupuncture points, Bach flower remedies, holistic health and mental health trauma healing exercises that most successful holistic health therapists use.

Get this book to quickly feel amazingly well with clear instructions on powerful holistic health therapies from world renowned naturopathic doctor, psychotherapist & holistic medicine teacher. Know:

  • What are the best low inflammatory foods, probiotics and holistic medicines for digestive problemsleaky gut health, IBS and inflammation
  • Why your thyroid, hormones, mental health and brain heal when you improve your liver health with the best gallbladder and liver cleanses and holistic medicine
  • Which herbs, amino acids, homeopathic remedies and holistic medicines to use for stress, burnout, anxiety, depression, gut health, mental health, gallbladder and liver cleanses
  • The most helpful nutrients and foods for for holistic health and mental health.
  • Powerful exercise to heal mental health trauma, change negative beliefs and feel confident.
  • Highly effective meditation, breathing, journaling, gratitude and positive psychology techniques for mental health.
  • Energy medicine therapy to increase happiness, clarity, emotional resilience and mental health.
  • Acupuncture points for mental health issues like anxiety and depression, gut health and liver health
  • And so much more – Read all the topics for free by clicking “Look Inside” at the top of this page

Doctors, therapists and nurses around the world are using this holistic health book to help people quickly recover from difficult chronic health and mental health trauma issues with holistic medicine. Here’s what they say:

“Dr. Ameet gives simple steps to help you recover from mental health issues, anxiety, depression, stress, trauma and burnout with long-lasting results using holistic medicine” – Dr. Hyla Cass MD, Bestselling Author and Holistic Psychiatrist.

Book 1 of Series Heal Your Body Cure Your Mind


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