Japanese Reading for JLPT N5: Master the Japanese Language Proficiency Test N5 (Japanese Language Proficiency Test N5 #4) Boutwell, Yumi (Author) , Boutwell, John Clay (Author)


ISBN: 1677888393    EAN: 9781677888399
Binding: Paperback
Pub Date: December 20, 2019
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For Beginners of the Japanese language.
Are you a beginner in Japanese and would like to improve your reading comprehension? Taking the Japanese Language Proficiency Test is a great way to set a goal for yourself, and goals help with motivation. Motivation acted upon nearly always leads to success.

Whether you are planning to take the Japanese Language Proficiency Test N5 (the easiest level) or would just like to improve your reading ability, this book will help.

This book offers three ways to practice reading Japanese for the N5 test:1) 短文(80文字) short paragraphs with about 80 characters followed by one or more questions for comprehension.2) 中分 (250文字) Mid-length paragraphs with about 250 characters followed by one or more questions for comprehension3) 情報検索 In this section, you will be asked to extract necessary information using short text, graphs, or other visuals (such as timetables, schedules, or pamphlets).


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