Master Long Division with Remainders Practice Workbook: (Includes Examples and Answers) (Improve Your Math Fluency #16) McMullen, Chris (Author)


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SKU: 9781481954150 Category:


ISBN: 1481954156    EAN: 9781481954150
Binding: Paperback
Copyright Date: 2013
Pub Date: January 17, 2013

Biographical Note:
Chris McMullen is a physics instructor at Northwestern State University of Louisiana. He earned his Ph.D. in phenomenological high-energy physics (particle physics) from Oklahoma State University in 2002. Originally from California, he earned his Master’s degree from California State University, Northridge, where his thesis was in the field of electron spin resonance. As a physics teacher, Dr. McMullen observed that many students lack fluency in fundamental math skills. In an effort to help students of all ages and levels master basic math skills, he has published this Improve Your Math Fluency Series of math workbooks on arithmetic, fractions, and algebra.

Publisher Marketing:
AUTHOR: Chris McMullen earned his Ph.D. in physics from Oklahoma State University and currently teaches physics at Northwestern State University of Louisiana. He developed the Improve Your Math Fluency series of workbooks to help students become more fluent in basic math skills.

EXAMPLES: Each section begins with one page of description of how to solve the problems along with a couple of examples (with numbered steps) to illustrate the technique.

PRACTICE: This is a practice workbook geared toward practicing problem-solving skills. As such, it consists of worksheets with practice problems in the spirit of old-fashioned practice sheets. This is suitable for students who need to practice basic skills, and is effective for many students. It is not one of the modern math textbooks that are designed to entertain bored students. Plenty of space is provided for students to write their solutions.

ANSWERS: An answer section at the back provides a complete answer key. It’s important for students to practice solving problems correctly, otherwise they will practice their mistakes. Students, parents, or teachers should use the answer key to help students check their answers.

CONTENTS: This practice book is designed to help students develop proficiency with their long division skills by offering ample practice. This book is conveniently divided up into six parts:

  • Part 1 reviews division facts with single-digit divisor and quotient since swift knowledge of these is critical toward long division mastery.
  • Part 2 is limited to single-digit divisors. This way students are not challenged with too much too soon.
  • Part 3 focuses on double-digit divisors.
  • Parts 4 and 5 provide practice with remainders.
  • Part 6 features a variety of multi-digit long division problems with and without remainders.
  • An introduction describes how parents and teachers can help students make the most of this workbook.
  • A multiplication table is provided to help students who are just learning their division facts.

SCORING: Kids are encouraged to time and score each page. In this way, they can try to have fun improving on their records, which can help lend them confidence in their math skills


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