Sukham Tharum Sundara Kandam of Maha Guru Agastya: The Book of Perfected Beauty and Happiness Hamilton-Parker, Craig (Foreword by) , Paisol, Kim (Author)


ISBN: 1721070680    EAN: 9781721070688
Binding: Paperback
Pub Date: June 22, 2018
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SKU: 9781721070688 Category:


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This book is a miracle in itself. It shows the easiest way to help oneself overcome whatever problems facing in life, here explained in simple and beautiful words. Even with a little faith in these words, great changes will happen day by day.If there is one major remedy to any problems of life, then this book shines through as an ultimate guide and beacon light for the humans to tread from birth onward to gain happiness and peace of mind. It is through the words of the Almighty, Lord Hanuman and Maha Guru Agastya that these sublime advices, flows through these pages and the story of Lord Rama and Sita as told in the Ramayana and in particular the 5th Book i.e., called Sukham Tharum Sundara Kandam. It reveals the basic procedures and compassionate guidance to mankind enabling one to see and heal oneself with a growing inner knowledge and understanding of who we are!The first thing to do after reading this book, is to read the direct guidance of freeing oneself from whatever problems through the 5th Book – Sukham Tharum Sundara Kandam – of Ramayana.Aum


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