The Bullworker Bible: The Ultimate Guide to The Bullworker Renee, Helen (Author) , Sterling-Vete, Brian (Author)


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SKU: 9781548802332 Category:


ISBN: 1548802336    EAN: 9781548802332
Binding: Paperback
Pub Date: July 10, 2017
Biographical Note:
Co-authored by Helen Renée Wuorio and Brian Sterling-Vete. Brian Sterling-Vete Ph.D. is a British author, Guinness World Record Holder, and martial arts instructor. He is also one of the World’s leading experts on isometric exercise, and the Bullworker. As a veteran strength and fitness coach, Brian trained with, and coached his friend and 4 Times World’s Strongest Man, Jon Pall Sigmarsson of Iceland in strength and the martial arts. Brian worked with BBC TV News and is a TV broadcaster with a non-nonsense, entertainingly politically incorrect, and direct approach to fitness and body shaping which gets results. Helen is an ISOfitness(TM) exercise specialist and competitive Bikini Fitness Athlete from the United States. She went from 40lbs overweight, to a size ZERO Bikini Fitness Athlete in just 8 months! Helen now teaches the ISOfitness(TM) system in video-led online workout routines, webinars, live seminars and corporate fitness workshops.

Publisher Marketing:
This book has been approved by TWiEA – The World Isometric Exercise Association ( This is the NEW 2024 updated 300+ page Bullworker Bible(TM) with big pictures, updated Bullworker(R) spring data and useful arrows showing the direction to apply the force and movement. The Bullworker Bible(TM) is the definitive resource guide for all Bullworker(R) users and is the companion book for The Bullworker 90(TM) Course. It also includes information and compression spring data for the all-new range of Bullworker Series 3 models including the X5 Pro. It is a complete science-based user-friendly guide showing how the Bullworker(R) should be used properly to deliver maximum results. It also shows you how to effectively use the Steel Bow(R). The Bullworker Bible(TM) gives you all the information that you always wanted to know, but the simple wall charts and basic instruction manuals did not provide. It tells you about essential repetition-compression and speed control, correct breathing techniques, how Hooke’s Law of Physics applies to The Bullworker(R), and correct biomechanics to deliver the best results. The Bullworker Bible(TM) is approved by the makers, and distributors of The Bullworker(R), at This book can also be used with the Bullworker X5, Bully Extreme, ISO 7x, and the Bullworker X7. Required Equipment: A Bullworker(R) Classic, or a similar device. Recommended Additional Equipment: Steel Bow(R), Bow Extension(R) kit, 2 x Iso-Bows(R), and the Bow Extension(R). NOTE: The authors, Brian Sterling-Vete and Helen Renée Wuorio are exercise specialists who have worked closely with the NHS Innovation Team at the Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust on two major isometric exercise trials during 2020. This was an outstanding success, and they are now moving into a third much bigger trial before looking towards an expansion into more sectors of the NHS across the UK. TWiEA will be involved in conducting isometric exercise instructor training programmes for key NHS staff.


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