The James Bond Cold Reading: A Re-Imagining of the ‘Classic’ Reading (Speed Learning #2) Moore, Julian (Author)


ISBN: 1479394351    EAN: 9781479394357
Binding: Paperback
Pub Date: September 29, 2012
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Biographical Note:
Julian Moore is a composer, songwriter, music producer, author and mentalist. Interested in all things strange from an early age, his writing took a back seat to his musical endeavours until fairly recently, when he embarked on a writing spree revolving around the practice of giving ‘readings’ – palmistry, graphology, cartomancy and the pseudo-sciences behind them such as ‘cold reading’. Julian is now embarking on a series of novels which should be available in the not too distant future. One involves an adventure with some dogs in a region of India. Another surrounds the haunting of a student pianist. There could be some others that deal with a little girl and her friends who discover some strange abilities. Who knows. In the meantime you can read his current crop of factual books available here and from The Cold Reading Company, or check out his band Georgia Wonder at their website or on YouTube.

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“I got Julian’s book and it is wonderful! It is a great system for doing a reading and extremely practical. I applaud Julian and highly recommend this!” – Richard Osterlind

The James Bond Cold Reading is a whole new take on the twelve lines of the ‘Classic Reading’ made so popular from the 50’s to the present day. Julian ‘Bev’ Moore shows you how this much discussed but seldom used powerful cold reading technique can be applied effectively and memorised in no time at all using characters such as James Bond that you already know and love.

Forget about learning stock lines and never using them – using the proven techniques in The James Bond Cold Reading, you can learn to speak in you own words and amaze people by how much you know about them using one of the most misunderstood tools of mentalism – the character reading.

By bringing a modern slant to an old technique, Julian ‘Bev’ Moore proves once again that that the old ones are the best – if only we knew how to apply them. If you’re not a fan of ‘stock lines’ and think that learning them is a waste of time, this ebook could seriously change your mind!


“First palmistry, now general Forer-Barnum 101… this guy really amazes me.” – Craig Browning

“Julian has taken the Classic Reading – which isn’t out of date, as some would suggest – and applied a James Bond theme to its LEARNING (not to the reading itself), to make the reading’s customization so much easier. It’s ingenious, simple, and thought-inspiring, all at the same time! Buy this now, and start using it right away!” – R. Lee Davis

“I have tried many times to learn the stock lines of cold reading. I’ve tried memory techniques, linking, the peg system, and even with all that everything seemed a confusing, repetitive mess. Because of Julian’s system, in two days, I have learned to give a cold reading forward, backward, inside out and in my own words.

Just as with Julian’s palmistry book saved me about five years of study, this book is just as good and also very interesting. If you’re interested in cold reading at all this will be the best money you’ll ever spend. As a side note his system could be applied to anything else you might want to memorize and make your own. I have never heard of his techniques before and I have studied a lot of memory techniques.

It’s so easy I will add this to my ‘readings’ repertoire.” – Scott Martisse

“So I’m finally watching the new Casino Royale and lines from the James Bond Reading keep popping unbidden into my head. What makes this interesting is I hadn’t really intended on learning the reading via James Bond but via a character I know more about.

I followed Julian’s suggestions to practice readings aloud, even to inanimate objects. After a bit of this, I tried the real deal.

This isn’t something you can do mechanically, at least if you want to get maximum effect and responses. It is a matter of a give and take that is “entrancing” in its impact. I can’t wait to see what more experience will bring.

Thank you Julian, you really have made a significant contribution. Your ability to simplify and teach is exceptional. I generally rely on my knowledge as a psychologist to add a bit of reading but it wasn’t anywhere as powerful as applying this system. Folks, don’t just read JBR. Get out there and use it.” – Dr Bill Cushman


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