Trigger Point Therapy – Volume Two: Stop Muscle and Joint Pain naturally with Easy to Use Trigger Point Therapy (Trigger Point Therapy #2) Farrell, Dermot (Author)


ISBN: 1719569517    EAN: 9781719569514
Binding: Paperback
Pub Date: May 24, 2018
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Stop Muscle & Joint Pain Naturally with Easy to use Trigger Point Therapy (Foam Rolling, Myofascial Massage and Deep Tissue Massage). This book, Trigger Point Therapy volume two takes of were volume one finishes, adding in an extensive list of easy to use trigger points to treat everyday nagging aches and pains. Do you suffer with aches and pains? Do you have reoccurring injuries? Do you suffer with chronic pain? Have you tried every possible cure only to find that the ache is still there? Are you sick and tired of aches which move from one body part to another? Do you feel battered and beaten after your night’s sleep? Well you don’t have to feel like this anymore thanks to the wonders of myofascial message, whereby you can treat yourself naturally either with your hands, a massage ball or tennis ball or via a foam roller! There are a great many trigger points, which can be used quite successfully to treat a variety of conditions. In this short practical guide, we are going to focus upon the top twenty essential trigger points, trigger points which can be used in everyday life by the majority of people. Some of the deeper trigger points, seen deep inside the thigh and pelvis, can be a little hard to reach but for most people, with some effort, they should be either able to treat themselves or if necessary a friend or family member should be able to treat them effectively, through manipulation of the relevant trigger points. Can we Really Treat Ourselves? Trigger points are atypically deployed by physical therapists, osteopaths, naturopaths and masseurs. So considering all of these people are highly qualified, and of course they are standing over the patient, where they can apply considerable force, is there any point in trying to treat ourselves? Well, obviously we cannot expect the same result, while working on ourselves, than that which we might receive if we go to a professional therapist. However, just because the result will be less effective, does not mean that we cannot give it a go. Also, treating oneself, in no way diminishes the role of the therapist. Rather, it makes the role of the therapist more meaningful, because a patient, who takes an active interest in their treatment and makes an effort to assist the healing process, while in the comfort of their own home, is actually making the healing effort more effective and is more likely to return to a therapist for further assistance. So if you are sick of having persistent aches and pains and want to do something proactive about it, then read this book today!


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